Philly Wellness Center

Transform Your Health Journey with Our Medical Weight Loss Program

Discover a New You: Safe, Effective, and Scientifically Proven

Are you struggling with losing 5-15 pounds or 20-50 pounds or more?  There are options for everyone in medical weight loss and we can help you achieve your goals.

Are You Ready to Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle?

Struggling with weight loss can be a frustrating and often disheartening experience. If you’ve tried various diets and exercise routines without success, it’s not your fault. Weight management is complex and unique to each individual. That’s where our Medical Weight Loss Program comes in – a scientifically-backed, personalized approach to help you achieve your health goals.

Diabetes healthy diet
Diabetes healthy diet

Why Choose Medical Weight Loss?

Personalized Care: Every body is different. Our program begins with a comprehensive health assessment to tailor a weight loss plan that’s specific to your body’s needs.  

Medical Expertise: Our team will guide you through every step, ensuring your weight loss journey is safe, effective, and sustainable.

Proven Results: With the support of medical experts and a plan designed just for you, you’re more likely to see lasting results.

What Our Program Offers:

Initial Health & Metabolic Assessment: A thorough evaluation including medical history, body composition analysis, and metabolic rate testing.

Customized Weight Loss Plan: Based on your assessment, we create a plan that may include diet modifications, exercise recommendations, and, if necessary, prescription weight loss medications.

Regular Monitoring and Support: Check-ins to monitor progress, adjust your plan as needed, and provide motivation and support.

Low Dose Subscription

$ 297 Monthly
  • Semaglutide Medication
  • Medical Eval and Supervision
  • Supplies for Injections
  • Doses 0.25mg-0.5mg
  • Max 1 vial per month

High Dose Subscription

$ 497 Monthly
  • Semaglutide Medicaiton
  • Medical Eval and Supervision
  • Supplies for Injections
  • Doses 2mg-2.5mg
  • Max 2 vials per month
>1mg Dose

12 Wk Starter Program

Semaglutide + Metabolic Analysis
$ 1000 One Time
  • Everything in Low Dose Subscription
  • Metabolic Analysis
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • 3 Body Contouring Sessions

12 Week Starter Program

Once you start losing weight with medication,
Sustained weight loss has 5 steps

How It Works

In our 12 week program,  we get you started on Semaglutide.
We measure your baseline VO2 max, metabolic rate, and biological age
in under 10 minutes with lab-grade accuracy non-invasively and without lab work. 
You schedule a call with our Registered Dietician.

This is the most comprehensible and sustainable weight loss plan.

Changing your diet and exercise habits is a process that goes hand in hand with 
losing weight quickly.

This is the heading

Medication + Metabolism

For achieving a healthy lifestyle at your goal weight.


Yes, semaglutide is just one of many medical weight loss options.  Semaglutide has had a surge of interest with celebrities who are losing weight quickly, but it is just one of many options we can discuss.  

Medical weight loss can help you lose a stubborn 5 or 10 pounds and over 150lbs or more.  As we age, losing weight becomes increasingly complex and can be resistant to diet and exercise.  Medical weight loss can jump start your weight loss and for most people can help you achieve results within 12 weeks.

Medical weight loss is a comprehensive, medically supervised approach to weight management. It involves a combination of diet, exercise, behavioral therapy, and often prescription medications, tailored to your individual needs.

Unlike standard dieting, medical weight loss is overseen by healthcare professionals and is based on scientific principles that target the root causes of obesity and weight gain. It offers a personalized plan that may include medication, lifestyle changes, and ongoing support.

You can expect to receive support from our nurse practitioner and staff. This team works together to create a weight loss plan that’s safe, effective, and sustainable for you.

Yes, when overseen by qualified healthcare professionals, medical weight loss is safe. It considers your medical history, current health conditions, and personal goals to ensure your plan is effective and safe.

Absolutely. Medical weight loss can significantly improve, and in some cases, even resolve conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

The duration varies depending on your specific goals and needs. Some programs are short-term, focusing on rapid weight loss, while others may be longer to ensure sustainable, healthy weight loss.

We do not accept insurance plans.

Results can vary, but many individuals experience significant weight loss, improved energy levels, better control of chronic conditions, and an overall improvement in health and well-being.

To get started, you can schedule an initial consultation with our nurse practitioner. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your health history, weight loss goals, and the best approach for your individual needs.


Jen C.

Account Manager


I was hesitant to start medical weight loss.  I didn’t think it was for someone like me.  I wanted to lose 15 pounds but nothing I tried worked.  In 2 months, I was down to my ideal weight.

Chrissy K.

Real Estate


I wasn’t sure what to think of medical weight loss, but I’ve been on medications for several months now and I have more energy to work out.

Robert F

Software Developer


Testosterone pellets changed my life and saved my marriage.  Before pellets, I was exhausted and worn out all the time.  Now I feel like I’m 30 again.

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834 South St, Philadelphia PA 19147
By Appointment Only

All content provided by Philly Wellness Center is for general informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration (FDA). The information and products are intended to support general well being. Philly Wellness Center is not responsible or liable for any advice, course, or treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or products that you obtain as a result of your consult.

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