Philly Wellness Center

Clearer, brighter, and healthier skin in 45minutes.

Microneedling in Philly



Transform your skin with microneedling.  We offer either Rejuvapen with or without exosomes.  Exosomes add an amazing result when combined with microneedling that takes it to the next level.

microneedling is for Your Face & Body

What It Treats

Acne & Scars

If you are prone to acne and can't quite eradicate those pesky dark spots left after each breakout, think microneedling. The treatment does it all.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Microneedling is the gold standard of collagen induction. In as little as a week you can transform your skin with practically no downtime.


Microneedling does a tremendous job of lightening and reversing hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

Stretch Marks & Crepey Skin

Since stretch marks cause a disruption in the natural production of collagen, microneedling will help restart that production.

What is microneedling?

Simply put, microneedling is the insertion of very fine, short, sterilized needles into the skin for rejuvenation. When the skin feels these pinpricks, your body will naturally rush to heal them, resulting in a plumped, more youthful appearance.  The punctures are more like pin pricks that are only surface-level deep.

Because the efficacy of microneedling comes from the skin healing itself, some people may only see intense results after a few sessions. But microneedling also promises improvement over time. Treating the skin with multiple microneedling sessions spaced at least one month apart can produce an increase in collagen and skin elasticity.

We have options...

Our Treatments


As we age, our bodies stop being able to repair and maintain themselves. In the skin this can be seen from the surface (fine lines and wrinkles) as collagen degrades. Microneedling is a minimally invasive way to kick-start your body's natural healing ability, resulting in healthier, younger-looking skin.


Exosomes are derived from stem cells which carry information from cell to cell like little messengers. A new study showed the group that got exosomes after microneedling showed significant improvement in skin tone, quality, clarity, and a noticeable reduction in wrinkles, pores, pigment, oiliness, and an overall enhancement in skin evenness and vascularity.

“The Utilization of Human Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Exosomes in Aging Skin: An Investigational Pilot Study” published in the Journal of Surgery

Getting Started Is Easy

As we understand that there is no “One size fits all” when it comes to skin. Our team will take the time to fully understand your needs to determine the best treatment to possible.


Book Virtual Consult

A thorough dermal examination will be carried out to ensure you get the best treatment suited for your skin ailment/concern.


Microneedling Treatment

The Microneedling process is conducted by our dermal specialists. Treatment is non-invasive, with minimal downtime.


Post Treatment

As skin can be sensitive right after a session, a thin layer of moisturizer and sunscreen will be applied to prevent irritation and sun damage.

Perfect For You



Jen C.

Account Manager


I was hesitant to start medical weight loss.  I didn’t think it was for someone like me.  I wanted to lose 15 pounds but nothing I tried worked.  In 2 months, I was down to my ideal weight.

Chrissy K.

Real Estate


I wasn’t sure what to think of medical weight loss, but I’ve been on medications for several months now and I have more energy to work out.

Robert F

Software Developer


Testosterone pellets changed my life and saved my marriage.  Before pellets, I was exhausted and worn out all the time.  Now I feel like I’m 30 again.

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834 South St Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open Hours Mon-Fri: 10 AM – 5 PM
All content provided by Philly Wellness Center is for general informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration (FDA). The information and products are intended to support general well being. Philly Wellness Center is not responsible or liable for any advice, course, or treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or products that you obtain as a result of your consult.
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